Rachel Williams

ICA19 Shortlisted Nominee.

Head of Diversity & Inclusion Award

Rachel is the House of Lords’ first diversity and inclusion professional. She has made the economic case for inclusion with the same informed zeal as the compelling social case. Bringing inclusion into the centre ground of the establishment, Rachel has made herself a regular at board level, raising her influential voice in the cause of keeping people in the foreground when it comes to the once-in-a-lifetime project to restore and renew the Palace of Westminster. Through patient, determined advocacy, Rachel has changed the way they use spaces that, for generations, were closed to most of their staff. A couple of highlights among many include her role in convincing The BFI to host a thrilling instalment of the parliamentary diversity awards; and supporting her team to run the “inclusion passports” that have made working life better for staff in a range of areas including neurodiversity, trans and disability.

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